الرئيسية / الوظائف / وظائف شاغرة مطلوب Marketing Officer
وظائف شاغرة مطلوب Marketing Officer

وظائف شاغرة مطلوب Marketing Officer

Marketing Officer

A Marketing job opportunity (70% of which will be online marketing), we’re interested in the following:

Optimize our marketing automation and lead nurturing processes through email, content, and social channels.
Run regular social promotions and campaigns and track their success (e.g., Twitter chats, LinkedIn discussions, etc.).
Build and manage a rich content/editorial calendar that attracts a qualified audience to our owned properties (including blog posts, whitepapers, reports, webinars, infographics, etc.).
Ability to work, maintain brochures content, websites content.
Grow new leads, including marketing-qualified leads, by converting site traffic through calls-to-action, landing pages, and lead generation content (including offers).
Analyzing and investigating price, demand and competition where needed.
Run and design promotional activities (upon need).
The understanding of how advertisement works online, over e-mail and offline.
Organizing events and product exhibitions/demos.

Ability to move around within Amman to conduct sales activities (possibly 30% of the time)
Excellent writing skills
Excellent spoken English
Ability to travel is a plus
Commercial awareness
Bonus skills: Design/HTML/CSS, Adobe Creative Suite, demand generation, inbound marketing, and blogging
Experience 2 to 6 years
Location : Amman – Jordan
Contract Period :Open Contract


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