الرئيسية / الوظائف / Needed Representative Jordan
Needed Representative Jordan

Needed Representative Jordan

Representative Jordan

Closing date 1 Mar 2020


BvLF first started working in Jordan in early 2017 as part of its Refugee Response portfolio, to support the country in its efforts to provide services for the large influx of Syrians families. Initial partnerships were established with international NGOs including the International Rescue Committee, Sesame Workshop, and Plan International, focused on adaptation and testing of caregiver support programmes for the Jordanian and refugee population. Increasingly, our growing base of national and international partners has started exploring avenues for collaboration with government and other players, to scale up support for babies, toddlers, and their caregivers, for example through the public health system, and in urban areas.

BvLF has now taken the decision to deepen its engagement in Jordan, making it one of its ‘core countries’ (see full list of core countries here). As “Representative Jordan” you will be the main point of contact for all BvLF partners in the country, tasked with taking the Foundation’s work in Jordan to the next level. Using the Foundation’s expertise, network and available financial resources, the Representative will have a dual mandate to i) manage and monitor a set of existing strategic partnerships; and ii) expand our work and portfolio of partnerships with an emphasis on growing our engagement with national government and cities throughout the country, and generating strategic knowledge.


The Representative Jordan will serve as the Foundation’s primary point of contact in Jordan for partnership development and advocacy by consistently expanding our network, sourcing new projects for financial support and representing the Foundation through speaking and writing in public fora. Key areas of responsibility will include:

· Build partnerships including components of financial support, technical assistance and advocacy with government, international organisations, business, academia, non-governmental actors, foundations and civil society stakeholders to:

o Develop and scale up caregiver support in Jordan (Parents+)

o Expand the use of a child-friendly lens to new cities in Jordan (Urban95)

o Incorporate Parents+ and Urban95 concepts into the training of strategic professionals in Jordan (e.g. social and health workers, urban planners)

o Position Urban95 in the broader debate about the future of cities in Jordan

o Grow and strengthen the overall field of early child development in Jordan

o Develop and gather strategic thinking and knowledge

· Maintain and strengthen partnerships through active monitoring, advising, advocacy, project management and the provision and/or facilitation of technical assistance

· Ensure all flagship projects have robust documentation and evaluation activities built-in

· Contribute to the knowledge base of the Foundation by regularly sharing insights and knowledge coming out of the work in Jordan with the global Foundation team

· Manage local consultants, an operational budget for activities in Jordan, and (potentially in future) a small team, with support from the Foundation headquarters in the Netherlands.

· Advocating for more investment to early childhood development in general by central government, local authorities, international/national NGOs and international donors

How to apply

Interested in applying?

Please complete your application online through Applied, an online recruitment platform whose mission is to help organisations hire the best person for the job regardless of their background.


You will be asked to submit answers of up to 250 words to a small number of questions related to this role, along with an up-to-date CV.

We will review the answers blind, without seeing your name or CV, and based on this, make a shortlist for first interview.

Closing date: Sunday 1st March at 20:00 Central European Time

Two interviews will take place in mid March/Beginning of April 2020. We will post provisional dates here as soon as they are available.

For questions about the role or the application process, please contact Agnes Buis, Human Resources Officer at [email protected].

Thank you for your interest in working with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

The full job description can be downloaded here: https://bernardvanleer.org/news/hiring-were-seeking-a-representative-jor…’’

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