الرئيسية / الوظائف / A highly leading and specialised company in medical devices & cosmeceuticals is seeking to fill the following Vacancies
A highly leading and specialised company in medical devices & cosmeceuticals is seeking to fill the following Vacancies

A highly leading and specialised company in medical devices & cosmeceuticals is seeking to fill the following Vacancies

A highly leading and specialised company in medical devices & cosmeceuticals is seeking to fill the following Vacancies due to business expansion in new lines:

(HR1) Product Manager(Dermatology and plastic surgery) with the following requirements:

-An accredited degree in pharmacy or related sciences.

-At least 7 years experience with success records in medical marketing.

-At least 2 years experience as a marketing manager.

should send an email to

The eligible candidates should send an email to
[email protected]

شاهد أيضاً

اعلان توظيف صادر عن جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا

اعلان توظيف صادر عن جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا

اعلان توظيف صادر عن جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا  للتسجيل في موقع وظفني.كوم من خلال الرابط …

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اعلان توظيف صادر عن جامعة الزرقاء

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