الرئيسية / الوظائف / مطلوب موظفين عدد 4 للعمل في شركة
مطلوب موظفين عدد 4 للعمل في شركة

مطلوب موظفين عدد 4 للعمل في شركة

مطلوب موظفين عدد 4 للعمل في شركة

Elaf Cargo Co. has the following job opportunities:
1) Overseas Specialist.
2) Air Freight Specialist.
3) Land Freight Specialist.
4) Logistics Project Specialist.
* Job Requirements:
Experience in the same field (2-5 years).
Experience in sea freight and air freight related tasks, export, import and cross booking.
Previous experience within freight management.
Experience in freight market, shipping lines, air lines and rates … etc.
The ability to maintain good team morale to ensure high performance standards.
Manage and monitor sea freight team’s day to day operation, works to set objectives and strategies for the department, directs and prioritizes the workload of subordinate personnel.
Executes and oversees import and export logistic processes.
Maintains schedule of all incoming and outcoming international shipments.
Prepare and share reports.
* Skills:
Communicates with all touch points in the supply chain (agent, carriers, truckers,
customs brokers, … etc.).
Have a good sales skill.
Excellent customer care skills are required.
Knowledge in Microsoft office (Excel, Word, Outlook).
Strong Communication skills.
Strong time management skills.
Fluency in English is required (reading, writing and speaking).

* Contacts: Send employment application and your (CV) to email [email protected]

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