الرئيسية / الوظائف / مطلوب معلمين ومعلمات بمختلف التخصصات والمراحل
مطلوب معلمين ومعلمات بمختلف التخصصات والمراحل

مطلوب معلمين ومعلمات بمختلف التخصصات والمراحل

AAJ is growing, and we are happy to announce the opening of the following vacancies for our 2019-2020 school year for both primary and lower secondary schools:

Math teacher
English teacher
Science teacher
Arabic teacher
ICT teacher
Business and Global perspective teacher
Support teacher
Art teacher

Excellent English is required for all positions

The Alliance Academy Jordan (AAJ), has a work environment that promotes diversity, embraces change, and provides leadership opportunities to every staff member. So if you are looking to make a move and are a highly motivated professional who welcomes new challenges,

Please send your CV to [email protected]

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اعلان توظيف صادر عن جامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا

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